11.   Such guesses remind one of a fabulist's imaginary council of animals assembled to consider what sort of creature had constructed a honeycomb found and much tasted by Bruin and other epicures.

12.   Some of us consider this question dismissed when they have said that the wealthiest Jews have no desire to forsake their European palaces, and go to live in Jerusalem.

13.   My Lord, there are two things for the people of this Kingdom to consider.

14.   We are apt to charge the Irish with laziness, because we seldom find them employed; but then we don't consider they have nothing to do.

15.   But before something of that kind shall be advanced in contradiction to my scheme, and offering a better, I desire the author, or authors will be pleased maturely to consider two points.

16.   I beg you will consider and very well weigh in your hearts, what I am going to say and what I have often said before.

17.   They had breakfast extra early, which some children I know, would not, I fear, consider a treat.

18.   Consider, too, the low rate to which you reduce human intellect.

19.   The substantial means of subsistence she had not the power of providing, nor did she consider that of importance.

20.   Consider, then, what is your loss, and, like a wise man, set it against what you have won.

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