91.   I did consider you at the very first.

92.   I should consider myself to be very selfish if I allowed my grief to interfere with your amusements.

93.   He had received it, and had had time to consider the matter since the Sunday morning on which we saw him in his own rooms in Cecil Street.

94.   But I cannot therefore love you less, — nor, so believing, can I consider myself to be injured.

95.   "I hope you do not consider Lady Glencora delicate, " said Alice to Mr Palliser.

96.   I wish you now to consider the matter well, and to tell me whether you can pardon me and still love me.

97.   I consider myself bound to let him know the truth without delay.

98.   Years ago Colonel Sykes, who was a well known naturalist, said of the pard: "It is a taller, stronger, and slighter built animal than the next species, which I consider the panther . "

99.   I consider this species the most muscular of all mice of the same size.

100.   Forty years is what mahouts, I think, consider age, but the best elephants live up to one hundred years or even more.

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