1.  All this should be done, Daleo wrote, by the end of the month, before the Supreme Court would recess.

2.  Any purchase will likely take the form of Barrick shares given in exchange for Bre-X stock, wrote Lehman Bros. analyst Daniel McConvey.

3.  Denise Gamino and Kitty Crider write for the Austin (Texas) American-Statesman.

4.  Denise Gamino writes for the Austin American-Statesman, Austin, Texas.

5.  Denise Maloof writes for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

6.  Denise Saunders, Cleburne, writes the following.

7.  Dennis Grady, of Columbus, Ohio, for example, writes to suggest that it could cut the national toll of deaths by gunshot.

8.  Dennis Nixon, the bank's chairman and CEO, wrote in an editorial late last year that the bank's opposition to the original legislation had been misconstrued.

9.  Dennis wrote, "It is the most miserable of existences and devoid of anything to break the mind-devouring scourge of monotony.

10.  Defoe is best known for having written the kid-friendly classic "Robinson Crusoe."

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