1.  Any remaining respect for the officials in Brussels dissolved last year when Franz Fischler, the European commissioner for agriculture, visited Baena.

2.  Dennis Euwer, who also testified before the grand jury about the Geary Lake sighting, said he was visited by two FBI agents and a prosecutor in August.

3.  Denver medical device manufacturers visit their lawmakers to complain about the Food and Drug Administration's slow approval process.

4.  Define which kinds of newsgroups, chat areas and World Wide Web sites you want them visiting, and which you don't.

5.  Cuba recently opened an embassy in Trinidad, and Castro may also visit Jamaica sometime in 1998, diplomats said.

6.  Cuban and two doctoral students recently spent seven months visiting 11 preschool and kindergarten classrooms in the Silicon Valley area, watching children use computers and interviewing teachers.

7.  Cuban exiles have been visiting the island and providing relatives with money and goods since shortly after the first of them reached refuge in the U.S.

8.  CUBA-TOURISM _ HAVANA, Cuba _ Delightfully off-limits to most Americans, I first visited communist Cuba in 1991 simply because I wasn't supposed to.

9.  Cullinane said he has visited Dublin three times in the last year and doesn't expect to appear much more frequently than that.

10.  Derengowski visited the site Friday.

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