11.  Any produce is good for you, but certain types of lettuces are very, very good for you."

12.  Dennis Nielsen, an R.J. Steichen analyst who follows 47xNavarre, said the stock is very thinly traded.

13.  Dennis rings true as long as he is playing slacker-guru to a very small, devoted, rather feckless group of followers.

14.  Dennis Scott returned to his "second home," but the rims weren't very friendly.

15.  Denver is a very good team, but Indianapolis is better," he said.

16.  Denver is rediscovering itself and there's a lot of pent-up housing demand that makes it a very active growth area."

17.  Definitions are hard to come by and depend very much on who is doing the defining.

18.  Cuba is a small island and my show was very popular."

19.  CUCKOO-CLOCKS (Undated) _ Cuckoos are some tough old birds _ and very conservative.

20.  Cuckoos are some tough old birds _ and very conservative.

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