1.  As a result, religious leaders must use tools of education, for their clergy and their congregations, he said.

2.  Diaz said that investigators had picked up some forensic evidence at the scene, though they had not found the tool used to slash the tires.

3.  Die-brokers use financial tools to allow them to live fully and securely up to their means.

4.  Digital Equipment Corp. thinks it can develop a profitable sideline by making the tools used by computer programmers.

5.  Dixon said he will not be afraid to use any tool to get people to pay $3 to watch the Monarchs.

6.  Doctors using conventional tools succeeded in completely removing only 65 percent of the leads.

7.  Defleur even used tools of bamboo for his work rather than metal, because metal could have left marks on the bones that confused the scientists, White said.

8.  Earplugs can tone down the damaging sounds of mowing the lawn, using power tools or going to a concert.

9.  Ellroy says he's using those tools to force readers into understanding just how bad things were.

10.  Felrice said he was suspicious of researchers like Digges who use statistical tools to analyze death rates.

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