1.  Although the group is vehemently opposed to modern science and technology, many members use the internet to spread the group's message.

2.  Biology student Ye Qing, 25, said he uses the internet to pursue his studies on genes in archives outside China.

3.  Especially if you use the internet.

4.  Eventually, new car customers will be able to use the internet to track their cars.

5.  However, in 1997, about 40 percent of teachers had no formal training in using the internet.

6.  Like Heaven's Gate, they live together, own no personal property, dress alike and use the internet!

7.  The attorney general said he was only giving the FBI permission to visit places and attend events open to the public and use the internet.

8.  The case underscores the dramatic increase in child exploitation as a result of people using the internet for pornography, say child experts.

9.  Using the internet, guys can browse through a catalog of more than 1,500 women who are seeking husbands.

10.  Using the internet to flesh out an impressive portfolio for him, Laurel and Sally strategically manipulate the stock market.

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