1.  DeLay has used gun control as an effective fund-raising tool, raising fears among conservatives.

2.  Cults and alchemists have used the alphabet to conceal rather than communicate knowledge.

3.  Delta has used MD-11s on international routes for a decade without any accidents.

4.  Despite Heron's lifelong leftist sympathies, he has never used his art to express his political beliefs.

5.  Democrats have been using the Senate's action as a club against House Republicans who want to keep the scope of that inquiry narrow.

6.  DeNiro, besides visiting, has used a yacht to deliver hot food _ cooked at one of the Manhattan restaurants that he owns _ to the rescue workers.

7.  Despite the landslide vote establishing Yasir Arafat as Palestinian president, Hamas has been using its own political strength to destroy the peace process.

8.  Despite the logic of a granny approach to foul shooting, no NBA player has used it since Barry retired in 1980.

9.  Despite the controversy surrounding Norplant, millions of women have used it.

10.  Despite the vast arsenals the United States and the Soviet Union created, they have never used the bomb.

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