1.  Any profit is used to cover bonds as they come due.

2.  Any thrust from Capitol Hill that survives the White House gantlet would be used as proof that Clinton is merely a lite clone of the true Dole brew.

3.  Depending on how comfortable Troy is with Eric or Herschel, either one could be used as an extra wide receiver.

4.  Depending on the filling, the leftover dough may be used for stripping for the top, as with a cobbler, or as dumplings for the interior.

5.  Currently 90 percent of mobile phones are used for work.

6.  Currently the Pentium Pro is used mostly in high-end computers costing more than $3,000.

7.  Currently, AZT and 3TC are used in the majority of the three-drug combinations found to reduce HIV to undetectable levels in many patients' blood.

8.  Currently, cord blood is used to treat about 30 life-threatening diseases such as leukemia and other cancers, as well as certain blood and immune disorders.

9.  Currently, drugs made by NeXstar Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Sequus Pharmaceuticals Inc. are most often used initially to treat the condition.

10.  Currently, lasers are used by the military for finding the ranges to targets.

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