81.  Any player would be crazy not to want to be in a situation like Cleveland or New York.

82.  Any player would have to be crazy to not want to be a part of that.

83.  Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz declined to state absolutely that Washington was to be the target and stressed that the plot was foiled early.

84.  Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott called on the Japanese government Wednesday to reconsider a proposal to reduce its financial support for U.S. troops stationed in Japan.

85.  Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott is expected to monitor the talks for the United States.

86.  Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott says the word "democracy has come to stand for a bit of an oversimplification."

87.  Deputy Superintendent Gil Kleiman, spokesman for the National Police, said the bus was packed with schoolchildren and people going to work.

88.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers is warning them to comply with reforms -- such as cutting spending and raising interest rates -- demanded by the International Monetary Fund.

89.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers made comments similar to Rubin's earlier last week and urged Japan to spur growth through domestic demand rather than exports.

90.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers returned early to Washington from vacation to oversee economic preparations for the summit.

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