111.  Any player dumb enough to fall for that would figure to be unable to handle the academic load.

112.  Any player sitting beside him or practicing beside him definitely has to look at him.

113.  Any player who can't concentrate for 40 seconds at a stretch likely will find himself with all the time in the world to daydream.

114.  Deferred interest bonds rose to 219.17, up from 192.99 at the beginning of the year.

115.  Deferred interest bonds rose to 219.92, up from 192.99 at the beginning of the year.

116.  Deputy District Attorney David Conn said he was unaware of the motion because it was not shown to the prosecution.

117.  Deputy District Attorney Lauren Weis said some parents refused to cooperate with investigators, but she declined to elaborate.

118.  Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark said Hodgman could return to the case as early as Monday.

119.  Deputy District Attorney Robert Hutchins had asked the judge to order David Van Blarigan's return, arguing that his well-being at the program in Jamaica was in question.

120.  Deputy District Attorney Sally Thomas, who is handling the case, declined to comment on whether the men will be charged or when a decision will be reached.

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