1.  Defensive midfielders Chad Deering and Brian Maisonneuve, both capable playmakers as well, provide a foundation for the whole thing to work.

2.  Defensive production, if there is such a thing, would go up 40, 50, 90 percent.

3.  Dennis Engel, president of the Elway Foundation, the quarterback's charitable organization, said the same thing.

4.  Dennis is the hottest thing to hit Chicago since Al Capone, and he now stops traffic all over the country.

5.  Dennis, 49, is an old hand at stirring things up.

6.  Dennis, who said he is not a physician, maintained that medical organizations criticize things like mail-order Viagra to protect doctors' from competition by non-doctors.

7.  Denny Schuler is perfectly happy being Cal's offensive coordinator, but he can't help but think how things might have been different.

8.  Denser settlements may be the right thing to do, but if they're too expensive for most working-class families, this compromises the solution.

9.  Dentists say that if a tooth cannot be saved, an implant is the next-best thing.

10.  Deficits are a remote abstraction when the public has other things to think about, however.

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