31.  Many times, these fixed modes are not always right in reality.

32.  I saw the book was about the computer program, and was surprised that in which way can she understand these complex programs.

33.  At the same time, I knew there are more and more female students choose these major which seems more suitable for the male.

34.  "These activities are held by your department?

35.  And these are the guidebooks on campus life and the military training.

36.  Our mind is easily followed by these labels.

37.  These are obviously unintelligent because it is a common sense that individualism is more crucial when we judge a person.

38.  While saying these, there was lots of energy in his voice.

39.  Some of them may regard things such as raising hands and answering questions actively in class as silly actions, while some other may be under great pressure of being look down on by doing those things, for these behaviors are now considered as pupil behaviors.

40.  It may mislead these young students and stay with them for a lifetime.

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