11.  Net sites that students considered effective, he said, provided chat rooms where students could discuss college with others who shared their interests.

12.  Not all students consider the provision a slap in the face.

13.  Seventy-three students considered whether Gingrich broke tax laws, lied to Congress and received improper gifts from GOPAC, his political action committee.

14.  Some health officials say that all students should consider being immunized, especially freshman.

15.  Some students were considering taking up the offer.

16.  Students considered it boring and refused to read it.

17.  The student considers, and says yes.

18.  Who do the students consider heroic?

19.  Although students consider themselves cultivated, there remains concern that they may be influenced by others and the rallies may turn to chaos.

20.  The magazine encourages students to consider more than the ranking alone, and to further research schools by considering size, cost, location -- and their own ambitions.

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