1.  Although his support dipped, exit polls showed Clinton winning 66 percent of the self-identified gay vote, while Dole picked up 22 percent and Ross Perot 8 percent.

2.  Any preference shown toward one or a group of religions discriminates against the others.

3.  Deputy District Attorney David Conn said he was unaware of the motion because it was not shown to the prosecution.

4.  Deputy Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoi offered a different answer Monday: "We were eager to show it in the past, but we couldn't."

5.  DENMARK-EURO (Copenhagen) _ Exit polls from Thursday's vote showed that the Danes were moving toward rejecting the euro.

6.  DENMARK-EURO (Copenhagen, Denmark) _ Exit polls from Thursday's vote showed that the Danes were moving toward rejecting the euro.

7.  Dennis Cooper, for example, has exceptional talent, and Brett Easton Ellis shows great promise.

8.  Dennis Rodman can't wait to show off his torso after every game.

9.  Dents in the bedrock floor of the vault, five stories below street level, show the damage they can do.

10.  Denver Gray, another Georgia alternate, said, "He earned his spurs ... he showed his true colors."

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