71.  Designers should consider a lifeboat that could be reflown, to offer considerable savings.

72.  Desirable behavior should be rewarded with praise and positive reinforcement, so children understand "how much value there is" in it, Wyckoff said.

73.  Desktop PCs should change too.

74.  Desormeaux's experience on Real Quiet should give him an advantage over many of the riders _ six of them rookies _ in this cluttered field.

75.  DeSoto Councilman Jim Filyaw said there should be greater emissions cuts required from the cement kilns in Ellis County.

76.  Desperate boxing fans have tried to make the point that soccer, not boxing, should be abolished because of potential brain damage.

77.  Delayed from a Christmas opening and just unveiled at Cannes, this should be major stuff, good or bad.

78.  Dele, it should be pointed out, isn't acting.

79.  Delegates could not even agree on whether a second conference should or would be held to follow up this session.

80.  Cummerbunds swell with pride to hear Gingrich and his House deputy Dick Armey, and well they should.

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