41.  Any soldier marking time until Kosovo turns into a ground war should snap up a copy and get ready for the worst, as seen through Mauldin's eyes.

42.  Del Mar, in its 57th season, hasn't seen anything like it.

43.  DeLay advised O'Keefe that he did not want to see any job cuts at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

44.  DeLay may see things differently now, since it is Bush making the proposal.

45.  DeRosa told investigators that he was watching the stop arm, and saw it drop.

46.  Derrick was at the courthouse one day with a friend and saw Asher.

47.  Dertouzos, for his part, sees technology heading inexorably in the direction of the way life should be.

48.  Descendants also say that they recall seeing the daguerreotype in the Wadsworth household.

49.  Descended from the innovators of 18th-century ballet d'action, Robbins never saw dance as just a divertissement.

50.  Describing the aftermath of the attack on Park Avenue, Royster recalled leaving the scene and seeing a man looking at him.

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