1.  Dennett's audience represented all points along the spectrum of credulity.

2.  Dennis Diamond, who put the project together with Murray Louis, was also represented by a vivid three-monitor video exploration of a duet by David Grenke.

3.  Dennis O'Connor, the lawyer representing the Administration for Children's Services, characterized the discussions as standard pre-trial negotiations.

4.  Dennis Zine, vice president of the LAPD's Police Protective League, which represents the rank-and-file, said the consent decree would serve only to embitter officers.

5.  Dent recalls that when she first went to target practice after getting the role, she cried at the realization of the power the gun represents.

6.  Denver attorney Thomas Kelley, representing the Denver Post and the Boulder Daily Camera, said he will fight the motion.

7.  Cuba said that the expulsion of Imperatori represents a "crude maneuver" by the United States to deflect attention from the plight of the boy.

8.  CUC's price cuts represent its way of throwing down the gauntlet before its competitors, said George Sutton, an analyst at Rauscher Pierce Refsnes.

9.  Deified by the media -- represented in the film by fictional radio personality Helena Reid (Kate Nelligan) -- Dr. Dafoe becomes a media darling.

10.  Designed to represent the essence of First Years, the parenting guide is basically an ad wrapped in useful information.

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