1.  Although I chose raspberries in this recipe, there is no reason that any other ripe berry, fruit or even toasted nuts couldn't be used as well.

2.  Any reasons I have aren't good enough to give to you.

3.  Anyone can (currently) review information to ensure there was adequate reason for the search and the arrest."

4.  Deputy Mayor Rudy Washington, who oversees the administration's club campaign, said complaints of New York's becoming duller than Kansas were reasons to celebrate.

5.  Cuban officials say that there is no reason the electoral law cannot be changed further.

6.  Despite a resurgence of confidence, there is no reason for jubilation among Democrats _ only relief that things do not look worse.

7.  Despite all the good news, there are still reasons to be cautious.

8.  Despite all the ways that our lives are different this day, there is no reason to believe that resolve has changed.

9.  Despite how things deteriorated for Faldo on Saturday at Loch Lomond, there's reason to believe his confidence is returning.

10.  Denny Price said there's a reason he hasn't gotten involved with his son's shot.

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