1.  Any reform proposal must be measured by its ability to produce a cost-increase slowdown that lasts.

2.  Any slippage at the get-go could have produced hazardous stress on a fragile lower leg.

3.  Denmark's has mostly produced questions _ and for many Europeans they are profoundly awkward ones.

4.  Dennis Russell Davies led a vibrant performance and elicited some of the firmest and most transparent playing the American Composers Orchestra has produced in recent seasons.

5.  Dental disease can produce toxins that can cause lung disease and spill bacteria into the bloodstream, affecting the kidneys, liver and heart, Wiggs said.

6.  Cuba produces some of the most skilled players and its teams have regularly dominated world amateur competitions.

7.  Cuban exiles, who met with Carter prior to the trip, say they hope the visit might produce something positive.

8.  Cuban officials have not produced evidence to support their accusations.

9.  Degussa was founded in 1873 as a gold-trading company, but precious metals now produce "unsatisfactory" earnings.

10.  DeKalb County produces 88 million gallons of water per day for about 660,000 people.

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