1.  Lifestyle on campus, for instance, is an important area which can produce stereotypes.

2.  Even though I do not know the exact number of property his family owns, the Land rover and several villas in Beijing have produced enough evidence for his rich family.

3.  For example, it can produce noise and other air pollution problems.

4.  The only role of the wife was to be a servant to their husbands and to produce sons for them.

5.  On the one hand , mang cars are producing much co and co2.

6.  Then with standardized measures, we modern people can follow recipes exactly and produce delicate dishes more often.

7.  As we all see, that almost every famous university has his own publishing house, which means universities produce new thoughts and these thoughts have an essential influence on the society.

8.  Besides, the stress on the promotion of the general powers of the mind so as to produce not mere specialists but rather cultivated men and women assumed particular importance in the development of modern universities.

9.  To achieve more, we need to stick to producing high-quality products, enlarge our product varieties, establish closer partnership with foreign companies and raise the level of computerized management.

10.  Last year, we produced more than 42000000 brushes and nearly 100 articles, exporting to over 50 countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia and Middle East.

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