1.  Despite its occasional clumsiness, the computer gives ample leverage in taming the beast, although processor speed alone can't accelerate the process.

2.  Despite such soaring ambitions, Bell Atlantic executives gave the impression of a company whose heart was not quite in it.

3.  Despite his poor finish, Alexander gave no sign of surrendering.

4.  Despite the setback on trade, Clinton gave an optimistic assessment of the summit's results.

5.  Despite their super-heated political rhetoric, both sides gave some ground in new budget proposals they traded before talks broke off late in the day.

6.  Despite the grim circumstances, a portrait of Groucho Marx gives a clue to Shetty's ironic style.

7.  Despite the number of contributions that crowd his mailbox, Shortz gives personal attention to each submitted puzzle.

8.  Despite Austin's uncharacteristic timidity, she gives her all to helping him regain his juice and stop Dr. Evil's latest, ludicrous scheme.

9.  Despite calls from business leaders and foreign investors, the Mexican government gave no indication of its economic strategy.

10.  Despite his presumptive inclusion on the November ballot, experts give Buchanan slim hope of doing much more than stealing a few votes from Bush.

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