1.  As a last resort, check out that carpet, especially if any part of it got wet.

2.  Despite the obvious need for increased employment opportunities in the inner city, both researchers said in interviews this week that they expected the problem to get substantially worse.

3.  Despite the government's new gritty determination, the crisis gets ever deeper.

4.  Despite months of treatment, her disease got worse.

5.  Despite the obstacles, when players with the size and seriousness of Microsoft and NBC enter the fray, competitors get nervous.

6.  Down there, the air gets so hot that rocks heat up to 130 degrees.

7.  Despite that, said Spare, within all degrees of severity, "somebody gets hurt."

8.  During my early motherhood years, things got better.

9.  During that period of time, when I was down, both of these women got pregnant.

10.  During the course of this lecture, people sometimes get a little daunted.

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