1.  As a business owner, he is able to take time off to go fishing or hit the beach when he wants.

2.  As a cat-and-mouse crime story, "Ransom" is good enough, although there's too much slack in the suspense.

3.  As a category, smoked salmon is rife with inconsistencies and confusion.

4.  As a central banker, Saidi is well aware of the financial effects too.

5.  As a challenge to the Museum of Modern Art, Hartford's enterprise was ludicrous.

6.  As a child he was proficient in team handball, field hockey and soccer on the dusty fields of his native Lagos, Nigeria.

7.  As a child, Rorschach was so good at the game that he earned the nickname Klecks, or Blot.

8.  As a choirmaster and voice teacher at Marion Abramson Senior High School, he was so popular that students created waiting lists to get into his classes.

9.  As a city girl, she is also not prepared for the hard labor facing her in the sugar-cane fields.

10.  Despite a .500 start that might not be worth remembering, the Mariners' first eight games of 1997 were certainly memorable.

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