1.  As for the invitation extended to George Washington's successor Bill Clinton, well, the Iroquois can see that he's preoccupied with peace-seeking in Haiti.

2.  As for today, we can see that there really have been some dramatic, uplifting steps.

3.  During drills at Camp Tontozona in August, Wenner could see that the season was going to be different.

4.  During the race, you could see he was suffering a little bit more, struggling."

5.  Even at 50 feet, I can see he's not a stiff British butler.

6.  Even with the outcome undecided, we can see that two can play the dunce.

7.  Even through his conventional face mask, Williams, an excitable lad, could see that he was succumbing to rookie jitters.

8.  Even without binoculars, we could see that nothing much was happening.

9.  Even with an award of $33 million, you can see that Mr. Goldman is still in a dark place.

10.  Even before the Caterpillar debacle, union leaders were seeing that strikes no longer made sense.

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