1.  We should integrate ourselves into colorful activities and do as "The dog equally study, the gentleman equally play".

2.  They are energetic and aggressive especially when they play ball games.

3.  And some children are playing games and screaming.

4.  I thought you Chinese were hard-working, but to my disappointment, every morning so many guys late for classes and sleep, play cell phone, even date in class.

5.  What surprised me was Jack can play this so-called antique terrifically.

6.  Before playing the Guqin, he took a deep breath to let the mood calm and his facial expression was serene and solemn .

7.  When playing the Guqin, he frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

8.  Stereotyping on Campus: Regional Stereotyping on Campus\

9.  She just sat there quietly, playing with her phone, with a little mirror lying beside her hand.

10.  Even since I complained about having much homework to do in primary school, our parents and teachers have told me that, "when you are in university, you will have no homework to do and have a lot of time to play.

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