1.  Despite such precautions, many people are taking no chances on having a reliable power source.

2.  Dando does ask that people take a lot.

3.  Disaster strikes when people take on unaffordable loans and lose their homes.

4.  Do these people take every injunction in the Bible literally?" he asked.

5.  Ditka, the fiery former Chicago Bears coach, was an NBC television analyst when he criticized NFL owners for allowing financial people to take over the game.

6.  Diller's track record is what makes people take his moves at Silver King seriously.

7.  Dole last week had criticized the act, which allows people to take unpaid leave from work to care for an ill child or relative.

8.  Down below, more people kept taking their seats, and Anderson gulped at their number.

9.  Despite the fact that most experts predict relatively smooth sailing in the United States, they still recommend that people take some precautions.

10.  Different people take different approaches."

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