1.  Despite security measures the government has taken, about one in three people say the attacks have made them less likely to travel by airplane any time soon.

2.  Despite what people say about Southerners' "thin blood," there's no such thing.

3.  Despite the still rising river, some people said the end is in sight.

4.  Despite what some people say now, McMullen never wanted to move the Astros out of Houston.

5.  Despite renewed efforts across the country to educate teen-agers about sex and repercussions like pregnancy and disease, many young people say they still need more information.

6.  Despite the attention ABC has gotten for its campaign, many ad people say the approach is old hat.

7.  Despite the brothers' extreme views, many people said they were good neighbors.

8.  Despite what most people say, including the Nevada State Athletic Commission, they don't care about Tyson's troubles or reputed character flaws or Holyfield's ear.

9.  Destiny took a detour, that's what people were saying after the final.

10.  Dead bodies may not require company, but people are saying that Diana has been abandoned, left alone in her coffin with the mourners in the Mall.

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