61.  Stereotype, a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person thing but which is often not true in reality, can be found everywhere, and so do campus.

62.  It roots in people's mind and was kept carrying out.

63.  People have troubles changing their mind.

64.  People usually keep some stereotypes in their minds and will not change them easily.

65.  So, many people have formed the stereotype that the poor students all work hard and they account high percentage in the famous universities.

66.  Most people believe that students of my campus must be very diligent in that we study in Nanjing University which is one of the most famous colleges in China.

67.  Maybe, in some people's heart, the word "bookworm" is more appropriate to describe us.

68.  It's most people's impression of your group.

69.  But the more people I contact , the more invalid I find this method is.

70.  But the more people I contact , the more invalid I find this method is.

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