61.  Men and women share the right to pursue happiness in accordance with their own willingness.

62.  According to these differences between genders, men and women should play different roles in order to minimize their own superiority.

63.  Everyone, based on his or her own personality, hobby, strength and weakness, have the right to choose the role and not be fettered by the gender.

64.  In the traditional ideas, men and women generally have their own roles to fulfill in life.

65.  For example, they think that men should be the breadwinners to own money to support the family while women should do the housework.

66.  Even when some women have their own jobs, they are still supposed to be housewives.

67.  Because of the different roles in society, we can find our own position.

68.  They are leaving their drivers at home and heading out on their own to the grocery store or to the doctor or to pick up their kids from school.

69.  Lastly, I will read some beautiful articles and then rewrite them in my own understanding regularly.

70.  In the next 3 years, I hope my English can find my own style , especially in writing and listening.

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