41.  Cuccio said the company is negotiating with several other equipment vendors which could provide the company with additional financing.

42.  Cuellar and other rebels, meanwhile, had formed an organization that lobbied for government aid for demobilized, injured rebels.

43.  Cuellar said he hopes Wolcott's gutsy outing will rub off on some of the other pitchers who have been struggling.

44.  Cuffy, Harvey said, has told investigators that he and some other suspects held several meetings with Dorsey to plan the killing.

45.  Cugudda was pleasantly surprised by the support, which included calls from Mayor Skip Rimsza and other landowners in the path of the stadium.

46.  Culberson, who was diagnosed with diabetes in 1989, was suffering from numerous other ailments at the time of her death.

47.  Culligan said the company is continuing work on about 24 other major naval weapons such as the Tomahawk cruise missile.

48.  Cullors said he chose New England over three other teams (Green Bay, Tampa Bay, and Denver) for one reason: Bill Parcells.

49.  Derailments, train collisions, explosions and other accidents are a daily occurrence.

50.  Derbort and other college counselors said first-generation students also tend to carry more pressure from their families to succeed academically and financially.

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