1.  As a branded Delta product, the union said, Shuttle flights should be operated solely by Delta pilots.

2.  Deputy Secretary Kenneth W. Dam said at a news conference that with some exceptions, finance, commerce and banking in the United States were all operating smoothly.

3.  Dennis Bennie, chairman and chief executive of Delrina, said the company would continue to operate from Toronto.

4.  Denny's has 28 franchise stores in the Houston area and all but one is minority-owned and operated, including 18 that are owned by blacks.

5.  Defying government officials who call their plans illegal, the local companies said last week they will band together to begin operating long-distance service within two months.

6.  Cuellar operated the place and was the creative mind behind the designs they did for stores like Bloomingdale's and Gucci, and for countless weddings.

7.  Deregulation freed the airlines to innovate and compete, but the airports and air traffic control system are still owned and operated by government agencies.

8.  Del Valle and Cruz couldn't shuck corn if given a bag of frozen Green Giant niblets and told how to operate the microwave oven.

9.  Delaware Otsego's main business is a 500 mile railroad operating in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

10.  Cummins is the president of Brooklyn Van Lines Inc., a recently incorporated association of about 30 drivers who operate on Flatbush and are seeking individual licenses.

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