81.  Many thoughtful persons consider that the issues should be treated separately.

82.  McIntyre briefly considered that statement as a potential song lyric, then realized it might sound a little too like the band LFO for him.

83.  Most Protestants consider the police to be heroes, find nothing wrong with the RUC, and are deeply suspicious of attempts to reform it.

84.  Men from tribes considered good breeders were most cherished and were separated from the others.

85.  Naranjo, considered a close ally of Finance Minister Jorge Camet and his economic team, was general manager of the Development Finance Corp.

86.  Ms. Swoopes, considered one of the best college players ever, man or woman, is the first female athlete to have a shoe named in her honor.

87.  No one considered that the records could have been falsified.

88.  One considered a prime candidate for use by terrorists is anthrax.

89.  Others consider closing costs to be the amount of money the buyer must bring to the closing in order to leave with a new set of keys.

90.  One idea briefly considered by the Clinton administration called for a clandestine effort to drain money out of bank accounts that could be tied to al-Qaeda.

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