81.  Working time is considered precious.

82.  Manufacturing, non-diamond mining and tourism were considered the most likely areas for diversification.

83.  All the dismissed ministers were considered anti-reform hardliners.

84.  The retention of Balcerowicz in the government was considered essential to reassure Western creditors.

85.  The move was considered necessary to deal with emergencies and crises arising from growing instability in the region since the end of the Cold War.

86.  Serb forces were considered the main culprits, although Croats and Moslems were not exempted from criticism.

87.  You must consider yourself very unlucky with that result.

88.  Title scanning, as mentioned briefly above, was considered adequate for area identification.

89.  He was considered an original thinker, linking the old twelfth-century theological ideas with the new interests of the thirteenth.

90.  Many have considered it uncontroversial to assert that there is an overall principle which tends to place the least inherent adjective furthest from its noun.

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