61.  As a boy, he left no stone unturned in his quest for beetles.

62.  DeSantis, the spokesman for the insurance industry group pushing the bill, said he had no idea what the impact would be on rates.

63.  Descents into Cali are considered particularly rigorous because the terrain leaves no room for mistakes.

64.  Described as dour and depressing, it offers no organized night life for off-duty soldiers and is considered a grim assignment by enlistees.

65.  Describing a fine riesling is no easier than describing any other wine, but words like steeliness and flowery come to mind.

66.  Describing their results in January, Perlmutter acknowledged that the evidence strongly suggested a cosmological constant, but went no further.

67.  Description: "No deed restrictions!"

68.  Descriptions of the injured man, however, include a pencil-thin mustache, and Noonan had no mustache.

69.  Desde el fin del comunismo, en 1989, asistimos a una globalizacion mas rapida que, sostengo, no es eminentemente comercial, sino cultural.

70.  Desegregation Divides Missouri Senate Race Attorney General Jay Nixon of Missouri had no trouble winning the Democratic nomination in last Tuesday's U.S. Senate primary.

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