1.  Partly because of these applications, the most widely considered combination is that of heat and dissolved common salt.

2.  With constant progression in the scientific world, most would consider that technologically the world will be a very different place in years to come.

3.  And even more powerful machines from Hewlett-Packard, considered by most to be a premium brand, are available for rock bottom prices.

4.  And almost all of them were either ignored or lightly recruited by what most would consider the major college basketball schools.

5.  Age-related weight gain is so common that most consider it a veritable law of nature.

6.  But most racing people consider Fusaichi Pegasus a certain starter in the Belmont.

7.  But most would not consider a person who donates to a Hamas orphanage a terrorist, he said.

8.  But most consider a commission that would expand following that formula unwieldy.

9.  Duke is heavily favored over a Syracuse squad that most consider lucky just to be here.

10.  Facing the end of a career, at an age most would consider early retirement, often pushes them back into action.

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