81.  Any solution they come up with, the researchers said, may also be useful on earth for travelers suffering from jet lag and for workers with difficult shifts.

82.  Any sort of business might be vulnerable to such sabotage, he said.

83.  Any staff changes, which seemed assured a week ago, might not occur at all now if Robinson wants to fight them.

84.  Any state could go later, and in the early stages, some might do so to get a Tuesday that was less crowded.

85.  Dejuan could have ended up being shipped from home to home, but he may be one of the lucky children in foster care.

86.  Del Harris might not be the perfect coach for the Lakers.

87.  Del Toro may have a hard time holding onto that simplicity as the momentum behind his career builds.

88.  Delacroix might very well be the last artist to paint convincing religious paintings.

89.  DeLay may be the first national leader to advocate that Americans get down to breeding like bunnies.

90.  DeLay may see things differently now, since it is Bush making the proposal.

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