1.  Desperate men take desperate measures.

2.  Despite Jana's claims, men still take a disproportionate amount of women's earnings.

3.  Didn't the man ever take public speaking?

4.  Depending on the score and other findings, many men take months to decide on a therapy.

5.  Describing a church dance in Greeley, Colo., he writes: "Every young man took the hand of a young woman.

6.  Each man took a swing at the other, always a futile gesture since the advent of the helmet and face mask.

7.  En route to the new assignment, three Spanish-speaking men take over the aircraft and tell the pilot to fly them to the Azores.

8.  Each man took a nightly dose of melatonin at 8 p.m.

9.  Estrogen replacement starting at menopause is the most widely used and best studied, but it is not suitable for every woman and cannot be taken by men.

10.  Even men have taken to wearing sandals, though of a sturdier style, with their city clothes.

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