1.  As a character on the French satirical puppet show Les Guignols de l'Info, he does not know who President Jacques Chirac is.

2.  As a composer, he was not known for melodies as much as for arrangements.

3.  Any time Parcells and Kraft were in the same room, you didn't know what might happen.

4.  Culp didn't know why she was included, but guessed it was because Fickett's program seems to be working well.

5.  Denver's supposed to have the easier schedule, and Sacramento has the better record ... oh, I don't know.

6.  DeLay: Uh, no, I didn't know that.

7.  Dermatologists don't know why this is, but they do have educated guesses _ and some increasingly good ways to treat it.

8.  DeLong added: "I don't know why historians try to reduce genius to lesser terms.

9.  DeLosh always gives her kids a watch to wear so they can't use the old excuse: "I didn't know what time it was."

10.  Democratic representatives are generally not well known outside their own districts.

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