71.  Any trading that he did in Nalco shares, the statement continued, "was based on publicly available information and was openly conducted."

72.  Any Web publisher will be able to send information via PointCast for free.

73.  Customers who want information on Fidelity's 200 or so funds can use America Online instead to access the company's site on the Internet's World Wide Web.

74.  Customers will also be able to exchange information with banks using a modem that connects their PCs to telephone lines.

75.  Customers will then receive information about deals being offered by the various companies that participate in Discopro.com.

76.  Democrats embrace sampling _ data derived from a small set of households _ to supplement census information gathered door to door and through the mail.

77.  Despite all this advance information and the revelation that Rose lives to be 101, "Titanic" still sustains an extraordinary degree of suspense.

78.  Despite popular misconception, this electronic infrastructure is not primarily destined to deliver customized entertainment, games and information, but to revolutionize the economy.

79.  Despite repeated questioning from Specter, Mueller wouldn't commit himself to always turning over such information in a similar circumstance.

80.  Despite reports that the Alliance had seized the airport, the admiral said his most recent information was that they were about 10 kilometers away.

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