81.  As a child, he studied the piano, but his interests included jazz and rock.

82.  As a child, he was a street singer, entering talent shows and appearing on television amateur hours, including Ted Mack's famous program.

83.  Cunningham was a newly minted 1979 Harvard Business School graduate whose MBA had led to more than 30 job offers, including one from Bendix.

84.  Cuomo enters the race with some obvious advantages, including the support of much of the Democratic network that supported his father, politically and financially.

85.  Deputies from the Lost Hills sheriff's station in Calabasas and the Hollenbeck station in South Central Los Angeles would include portions of Los Angeles in their patrols.

86.  Deputy Inspector John Romero, commander of the 34th Precinct, which includes Washington Heights and Inwood, went along on one of Feller's nocturnal park tours.

87.  Delegation members said they were hopeful that the Chinese government would allow them unrestricted access to religious leaders in China, including those in prison.

88.  Delegations for the Northern Alliance and Zahir Shah's supporters, both of which will include women, are poised to dominate the talks.

89.  Delete the first seven lines of the export file, including the seventh line, a caret character.

90.  Deline and his colleagues estimate the bill could be used to impose sanctions against 26 different countries, including Israel and Mexico.

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