1.  The sparks of brainstorm is shining everywhere, including the worst remarkable classrooms.

2.  There are lots of stereotypes everywhere, surely including the university campus.

3.  Everyone in my group including the head teacher thought that I had the best chance of winning the first place.

4.  Apparently, most of the class was observing her beauty, including the professor.

5.  m. They did not have any lessons except major courses, including PE.

6.  In last semester, our department held lots of activities including several parties, singing contests, raising money for people in need and so on.

7.  But I was astonished when seeing how she took care of her friends, including me.

8.  However, I did not know anything above until he invited a few close friends including me to his villa.

9.  Taking money from taxpayers, government subsidies make it easy for many people to enter college including those who are not serious and it also enable colleges to pay professors more.

10.  During my past five years , I have received good English learning which includes speaking and writing.

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