81.  In a gradually globalizing world, learning English as a foreign language has become an important part of students' life in non-\

82.  While learning with word lists, the student focus on the word itself, rather than the context the word is in.

83.  One can read the books he interest in so that he will learn happily.

84.  But Stanford University computer scientist Kenneth Colby believes computers will help relieve the chronic shortage of mental-health workers and could be successful in testing short-term acute stress situations, including marital problems, parent-child relationships, or conflicts between colleagues at work.

85.  Knowing what he is interested in and dislikes is necessary.

86.  However, there is no public consensus yet as to determining where exactly the differences lie in.

87.  In conclude, thanks to different ways when men and women think about things.

88.  Maybe their parents who think a different culture can help in broaden the kids' understanding make the decision for them.

89.  I believe systematic differences in childhood socialization is one of the most essential causes.

90.  As the research apparently shows, the bonds between the boys are based more on doing things together, while girls maintain their friendships by means of talking things they are all interested in.

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