81.  As a bridge, I was called on by each side for help in contacting the other."

82.  As a Bruin, he said, "all I can do is work as hard as I can, on and off the ice.

83.  Depending on the moment, they have been like a heavy coat keeping me warm in winter or a cool, gentle breeze washing across my hot face.

84.  Depending on the people you work with, it's kind of a communal art form, so I can kind of transcend my own ideas and limitations.

85.  Depending on the rest of the meal, I add a quarter finely chopped apple (skin on for color) and/or raisins.

86.  Depending on the season, I ice-skate, cross-country ski, hike and cycle, and I use my bike whenever possible.

87.  Depending on the size of the root ball and thickness of the roots, I use either a sharp knife or a saw to prune.

88.  Depending on your mood, you'll think this reappearing "I" is arty or distracting.

89.  Depends how everyone else skates, where I draw, and where everyone stands after the short."

90.  Depends on what kind of people you're talking about, I suppose.

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