81.  Everyone in my group including the head teacher thought that I had the best chance of winning the first place.

82.  I left them impressions as being more experienced, more brilliant and as being more capable than the other participants.

83.  I told myself not to be arrogant and conceited but the compliments let me let down my guard to a certain extent.

84.  I was so used to being petted and noticed that I totally couldn't calm down and concentrate on the preparation.

85.  I chuckled to myself at times as if I had won the first prize-\

86.  Worse still, with the results reported, knowing that I even got no place at all, I felt that my face blushed, full of anxiety, but I tried to force a smile.

87.  I observed her with perplexity that she devoted it to staring in my direction as if she was also in amazement.

88.  I turned around and discovered that there was something so remarkable in the increasing glare of almost everyone's eyes especially the teachers.

89.  I have no idea of my fellow's thoughts.

90.  I'm just a typical example!

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