1.  Despite the snub at Sundance, it had friends in high places.

2.  Dardis said that Abdul-Jabbar has a friend who lives in the area and did some research of the culture there for a non-fiction book.

3.  Did you have any friends there?

4.  Davidian laughed when telling the story, also knowing it revealed a serious truth: The Fair Political Practices Commission has few friends in Sacramento.

5.  Dawn Cottrell doesn't have any friends.

6.  DEAR DR. LeCRONE: I have a friend who I will call Sue.

7.  Do we have friends in common?

8.  Don't you have any friends?"

9.  Do you expect to be able to have friends over every night?

10.  Do you have a friend who is new to the computer world, or is expecting his or her first computer as a holiday gift?

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