1.  Arthur A. Benson II, attorney for the plaintiff schoolchildren, said Friday he thought the state's action certainly will have that effect.

2.  Deliberate or not, this has the effect of moderating this Republican Congress.

3.  Despite clear evidence that erosion control efforts are having some effects, Tahoe continues to be sullied by nitrogen and phosphorous from the air.

4.  Currency fluctuations had little effect this year, the company said.

5.  Demme also told TIC spy Baird Jones at the New York opening of the movie that the laxative taken nasally had the effect for which it was designed.

6.  Cutting these hyperbolic moments of mayhem, Stone maintains, had the effect of making the violence seem more realistic and thus more offensive.

7.  Daddy Butch Carroll said, "The incident had no effect on our performance.

8.  Despite the deal's huge size, it is expected to have little effect on the languishing market for public offerings.

9.  Depending on the environment within a cell, within a womb, within the world at large, a gene's products may have myriad effects.

10.  Despite the known hazards, the volcano specialists conceded that warnings have had little effect, even on people in communities living directly in the path of danger.

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