1.  As long as the U.S. considers it beneficial for its own economy, the Fed will give a hand, he said.

2.  Dyroen-Lancer also takes ballet, and Schneyder rock-climbs to build up her forearm muscles and give her hands and fingers better feel for the water.

3.  Here's how to give her hand the shiny company it deserves.

4.  If you want something badly, there is always somebody who will give you a hand in this city."

5.  It still stands ready to give a hand, but will not do so forever.

6.  It was fun to see the shock on the faces of strangers when I gave them this hand in a limp handshake.

7.  It would be terrific if you could give a hand."

8.  She is spending her time helping disabled veterans and giving a hand to her 80-year-old husband, who broke his hip in a fall.

9.  Sometimes they were all trying to give a hand to someone else, and that was keeping them alive."

10.  The framed ad my brother gave me hands on a wall opposite my treadmill, so I look at it often.

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