1.  As a condition of getting her job, she signed a contract stipulating that she wasn't entitled to benefits.

2.  Anyone trying to get me job in D.C. _ Thanks but no thanks - Scott H."

3.  As a law student at George Washington University, he got a job at a small law firm that represented plaintiffs in antitrust cases.

4.  Currently they have no guarantee of getting jobs at the bigger carrier.

5.  Despite his education, Cobb couldn't get a job.

6.  Despite not winning a game, Bibby got the job because Garrett liked his college experience and the positive reaction from the players.

7.  Despite painful dry spells, Walker always got another job eventually.

8.  Destitute, she worked in a mine and a factory before getting a job as a charwoman.

9.  Damon says he got the job "literally because we were shooting 'Good Will' in Boston when Steven Spielberg was shooting 'Amistad' there.

10.  Did he get another job?

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