81.  Any solution that involves excavation is likely to be expensive, so get at least two estimates before committing to a contract.

82.  Any state could go later, and in the early stages, some might do so to get a Tuesday that was less crowded.

83.  Delaware forbids minors to get abortions until 24 hours after one parent has been notified, though there is a judicial bypass provision.

84.  DeLay and the House Republican leader, Richard K. Armey of Texas, have already tried unsuccessfully to get Bush to implement their approach by executive order.

85.  DeLay may be the first national leader to advocate that Americans get down to breeding like bunnies.

86.  DeRosa likes Furcal and hated to get his opportunity at Furcal's expense.

87.  DeRosario, named the MVP, created the goal himself by separating from Califf long enough to get his shot off.

88.  Derr writes of a beloved dog who mysteriously got out of the house to greet his owners coming home from work the evening before he died.

89.  Dershowitz said Barnicle told him he had "gotten carried away," because the lawyer attacked then-Senate President William Bulger, a frequent Dershowitz target.

90.  DES is a good method, but it is getting old.

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